Friday, May 4, 2007

Friends in Guatemala

Sorry about the template hiccup. I just converted to Beta Blogger and was hoping to get a cool new skin but it doesn't look like the ones I like are compatible with Beta so I tried a generic Blogger template while searching for a new one and well, now I'm back to this one.

Left to Right: Miguel, Carlos, Marlon, Cristian.

Just yesterday I recieved an email from my friend, Eric, who is a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) in Guatemala updating me on the progress of a set of siblings I helped to sponsor last year through Friends of Guatemala.

This is Eric.

Before you continue reading the following excerpted email (it's easier than paraphrasing the story) I just want to say I know there are a million causes out there for you to choose from, but really how often is it that any of us actually put our money where out mouths are? Last year when Eric first started raising money I chose to support his efforts because even though I'm not out there on the ground, I feel like there is a sense of accountability in knowing that Eric is, and that my donation is going to directly to Miguel, Carlos, Marlon and Cristian. Moreover, I feel better knowing it is going toward a realistic and tangible goal. I really encourage and hope that you will join me in helping these kids out. I am also aware that most of you reading this aren't exactly raking in tons of dough-dough, but if I can cut $100 out of my really crap paycheck while shelling out mucho dinero to fix my car, then I know you guys can spare some cash--in whatever amount big or small--to donate or to buy books, too. The money saved from not buying that one grande mocha frappucino or pack of cigarettes or packing a lunch/eating in is equal to almost a day's pay! I will post the mailing address for the books when I hear back from Eric, if you feel more comfortable sending materials rather than money.

In addition to my $100 donation, I will match dollar for dollar all donations up to another $100 total (I'd do more but I AM working a part-time job as a retail whore) so please be inspired, moved, whatever. If you mail your check to me, I will forward it on to Friends of Guatemala with my matched check. If you would like to give anonymously, please send your donation directly to the address below. As always, it's tax deductible so just ask them to send you an email confirming they recieved your donation and that can act as your receipt for your tax deduction!

For now, bear with me. I know the email is a lengthy one, but it gives a good snapshot of the situation now and how the donations last year have helped the boys to progress.

"In a school where I taught there are 4 brothers who were recently orphaned. There were actually 6 kids, but the daughter is married and has gone to the US with her husband and no longer has much to do with her brothers and the eldest brother, Jose Adolberto who is about 17 or recently 18 is now working full time to support his little bros. In early 2005 their father died from complications resulting from excessive alcohol consumption. Later that year their mother was diagnosed with aggressive terminal cancer and died 7 months after their father. Jose left school when their mother took ill to pay for treatments and medication, and is now working to support the four littler (not sure if that is a word) brothers. There were also being helped a bit by a 17 year old cousin but he went to the capital early this year and doesn't help out at all anymore either.

The four brothers are really sweet kids, and deserve an opportunity to continue studying. The two oldest (of the four) are Cristian and Miguel, I don't have there ages handy but they are about 12-13, Cristian recently was awarded an medal of honor at school for getting second place during the third term. He had a 92 average and perfect conduct and respect scores. So as a reward I asked what he wanted and he said a board game, he is now the proud new owner of a brand new Battleship set. Miguel is in the smae class and is actually having problems. He has a girlfriend and is working after school to help the family out. He used to work at a cousin's carpinter's shop sweeping and sanding. That meant he had no time to study or do homework and in the second term this year he failed three of his six classes. So I struck a compromise of a small allowance to the family for extra-scholastic expenses every three months. The money leftover from your generous donations last year doesn't allow for much more. But the money did cover all school costs, new uniforms, gym shoes and socks and undies (they had previously owned 3 pairs of socks a piece, they now each have at least one pair for each day of the week), school supplies and money for a mid-day snack. Also, Miguel now works at an uncles market stand selling pirated DVD's and CD's. This allows some down time for him to get some homework done between customers. Marlon, the second youngest also got honorable mention in his school for having the highest grades in 2 of his classes, but he failed one so I congratulated him, but I did not buy him a reward since he did fail a class. The rewards did not come out of your donations. Carlos the youngest is in second grade and has missed a lot of school this year and may be held back. He has had some health issues. First he had anemia and iron pills are not cheap here, then he had a pretty bad full body rash, and recently he broke his arm jumping out of a 10 foot high window playing with his brothers (boys will be boys). However, his teaher has nothing but great things to say about him when he is in fact at school, his conduct, respect and behavior marks are all perfect, though he is failing most of his classes. I am not worried about Carlos, he seems perfectly healthy now except for a broken wing, but hopefully he'll be healthier next year and be able to go to school more often.

So school costs this year ran the family almost 750 quetzales a kid, to put this into perspective, 750 quetzales is about $100 USD, and is just shy of what jose makes every month. That is to say to pay for the four brother to go to school he'd have to work 3.5 months. I hope to be able to contribute the bulk of the kids' educational fees and maybe even help Jose finish up high school at some point in the near future, perhaps within 3-4 years, but until then, I have to rely on the support of you guys. There is an NGO called Friends of Guatemala started by Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV's) who work on a completely voluntary basis. As well as one RPCV who lives in Guatemala and he also receives no pay for his work. The computer time and paper, and most overhead are paid for out of thier pockets. The take from the general fund only enough to send wire transfers of money and maintain a P.O. box. However, the money you send to me will go directly to the kids, nothing will be lost along the way. If you feel like you can't possibly make a difference remember that $10 here is about two and a half days worth of Jose's wages. So any tiny bit helps. Please give generously, as any leftover carries over to the next year and I hope to send at least Cristian (if he keeps his grades where they are) to a private Jr. High/ high School. The public school here has about 20 classes per grade with an average class size of 35 kids. That's a lot of kids, and the teaching leaves much to be desired, and I feel Cristian deserves to go to a school where he has a chance to really learn.

You can send all of your donations to:

Friends of Guatemala
PO Box 33018
Washington D.C. 20033

And THIS IS IMPORTANT!! Remember somewhere - the memo line will do fine - "Cat. II: Eric Lin" That means category II which is accounted for separately from the general fund and all your money will come directly to the kids. None will be taken out for overhead or admin costs.

Thank you in advance for any support you can give. Also feel free to send childrens books in Spanish or games with instructions in Spanish, I will get an adress where you can send those to any interested."

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